Letters: Open Road Church offers blessing


My wife, daughter, and I are members of Open Road Baptist Church. There is not a church that I have worshipped in that has made such an impact in our lives. 

My wife was saved and baptized a year ago. My youngest son accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior the day Mom was baptized. 

My daughter, who was strung out on meth for several years, came to me for help after 60 days of drug rehab. My church family took her in and loved on her. That was three months ago! My daughter is so hungry for God and his plan for her. 

I’ve been to other Baptist churches and nondenominational churches, and I’ve never seen the Spirit move like this. We are home spiritually. I invite anyone to our church. It will be a spiritual blessing that you will always remember.

Mike Kerby


Confront selfishness & greed

I hope Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott investigate Planned Parenthood and the tragic loss of life. 

But it comes to my mind that Baptists also need to investigate themselves—their financial decisions and treatment of other Christians.

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No one wanted to investigate the homeowners’ loss at Glorieta; and it seems no one wants to investigate LifeWay.

Leaders tend to investigate what will be popular with their followers and not the things that keep themselves and their colleagues in business or in power. Please, ethics are ethics. God is no respecter of persons, and Christians are called to a high standard of truth, fairness and even sacrificial love for our brothers.

We must confront the selfishness and greed within ourselves—not only within those in the world.

R.A. King


Reach Hispanic students on campus ‘mission fields’

I serve as a college minister with Texas Baptist Student Ministry. I appreciate the timeliness and the trends you point out in “Take a look at the Texas of tomorrow.” 

One trend that is often overlooked is the importance of reaching Hispanic college students. Most of our effort is spent on sending Hispanic students to college, but very little is said about ministering to them when they get there. 

As the trend of a large increase among Hispanic youth is confirmed by time, the natural outcome is that enrollment by Hispanic students in Texas colleges will increase as well. Therefore, a strategic action point will not only be to increase church planting but also to increase our ministry to Hispanics in the mission fields—Texas colleges.

Robert Rueda


Mormonism ‘will remain a cult’

As long as the Latter-Day Saints Church believes in the Book of Mormon as Christians believe in the Bible, it will remain a bona fide cult. It is one of the “other gospels,” as the Apostle Paul teaches us in the New Testament.

“Mormonism moving closer to Christianity, Truett prof observes” reminds me of when Franklin Graham de-listed Mormonism as a cult on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s website as a sop to presidential candidate Mitt Romney, a Mormon par excellence. Christians do not need to be politically correct.

Professor Roger Olson’s foundational statements fall on sinking sand. Yes, Mormonism evolves; Mormons got statehood for Utah by disavowing polygamy and blacks achieved a semblance of equal rights in this cult when public opinion forced this change only a few decades ago.

And there is so much more that can be said about the false teachings of Mormonism. 

Mark Salvaggio

Bakersfield, Calif.

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